Monday, November 16, 2009

'The Twilight Saga: New Moon'
Stars interview each other using your questions
watch it here in unscripted.

the twilight saga news were can you find them....

Wanna see the best thing about the twilight saga..the best pages are:

They all have some thing different like:
If you what something more professional there is twilighters, hisgoldeneyes, edwardandbella and lionandlamblove.
But also if you want to download videos and have them in your computer go to edwardandbella there you can download practically every interview, appearances and trailers from the movie.
Now if you are more in to seeing funny, crazy, interesting and weird thing go to twicrackaddict blog they have every thing that you can probably post about the twilight saga.
Of course there are a lot of web pages but for me does are my favorite...